Friday, February 18, 2011

Baby Craft Projects!

Well I guess you could say I've been in a nesting kind of mood recently.  Since we got our taxes filed we can focus on moving the office downstairs so the nursery is available to start setting up.  I have also been busy with making craft projects for the baby and gifts for Brenna (Todd's cousin) who is having a baby almost 2 months ahead of us.  I always like to give homemade gifts if I can.  I think homemade gifts are the best gifts ever!!

 I love the idea of using the prefolded cloth diapers for burp cloths and had seen the idea years ago of sewing colored ribbons down the center to give it a fun look.  So fun and easy to do!  As I've been told babies use tons of burp cloths and a lot of burp cloths are too small or thin so these work great!

I could spend forever at JoAnn Fabrics!!!!  It's actually sort of dangerous for me to go there since who knows how much money I will spend by the time I leave.  I made the mistake of walking down the fabric aisles and of course almost everything was on sale.  Needless to say I walked out of the store with fabric for 3 different blankets for Braden.  This is the first one I've finished.  It is that of so soft fuzzy fabric.  It has the animals on the one side and solid light blue on the other with an imprint of little stars on the other.  I then used the light blue silky fabric to do the finished edges.  I want an adult size blanket for me.  I love the animals, they are so cute.  The other two are almost done...just need to do their binding so hopefully will have them done this weekend.  Stay tuned for more pictures for the other two!
 Okay maybe I got a little carried away here but these "Hooter Hiders" are so easy to make and much less expensive to make yourself besides you can pick out whatever fun patterns you want!  Plus once you start to make one and get in the groove it is easier to make them in batches.  Of course I made some for myself this time as well as spares for others.  I also think this is a pretty good baby shower gift and I have given like 4 away already!  They kind of look like aprons hanging there but you get the idea.  They have the boning at the top center too so you can see how your baby is feeding and no one else can see your hooters!  haha!!!  Thus the name!

 This may be a waste but since babies like tactile items ie tages on blankets, I decided to make a small square patch with ribbons around the edges so the baby can play with them.  I've seen people make larger blankets with the ribbon idea around the edges.  I made this as a gift so we'll see if the baby likes it or not!
 It's the start to our new home for our office!  We removed that nasty wall to wall ceiling to floor shelf/cabinet set.  I then had to paint the wall.  My dad came over one weekday and helped me put together the Ikea cabinets and then Todd and I last week moved his desk and computer downstairs.  I think it looks good.  We still have tons to move out of the office but it's a start and it feels good to get rid of items as we go and shred paper.
Our basement is always so cold that we re-hung Todd's thermal lined curtains but there was two problems.  They were about 7.5 inches too long so they always dragged on the floor.  You also couldn't fully open them since the top was just one long loop that slide onto the curtain rod instead of the tab top kind.  I ended up finding these cool rings with clips attached to them so I just clipped them onto the curtain and shortenend/hemmed them and now they are good to go.  It will be nice to be able to fully open them so we can get some natural light down there especially if we are going to be spending more time there with the office now in the basement.  I can't wait to get the old office empty to start setting up all the furniture I have for the nursery!  Fun Times!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE your "Hooter Hiders"! The prints you choose are gorgeous, too! The burp rags...I totally make those and a giant hooded towel as gifts for people. So easy and they're WAY better than any burp rag you can find anywhere. LOVE it!!!! So, you've also decided to name the baby Braden? Did I get that right?
