Thursday, July 15, 2010

First 4th of July as Married Couple

Well Todd and I had our first 4th of July together as a married couple. We were low key this year but it was good just to do our own thing. We started the evening with our own little BBQ. We decided day of to go down to the Edmonds bowl area for their firework show which neither one of us had been too before. We didn't know what to expect. I'm used to seeing the gasworks Seattle show which is a much larger show but they did a great job! We brought our camp chairs and found a spot along the road by the field where the show was. It didn't rain but the weather could have been a little warmer as we bundled up in our fleece.

I attempted to take a video with my iphone which turned out pretty good. I like leaving the fireworks up to the professionals! I hope you all enjoyed your fesitivities and stayed safe!