Sunday, May 22, 2011

My first Mother's Day!

My sister, Megan, hosted Mother's Day this year at her house.  We hadn't been able to celebrate Makenna's 3rd Birthday yet which was April 26th so we finally celebrated it at the same time.

Great Grandma Helen (AKA Nannie) is meeting Braden for the first time.  She is getting her time to hold Braden while he is sleeping and not so wiggly!

Daddy is feeding Braden some good breast milk that I worked hard to pump.  It looks like Braden is getting ready to hold the bottle all my himself.

Okay I think we took about 20 pictures trying to get a good 4 generation photo and we still couldn't get one where we were all looking at the same camera.  As you can see Braden wasn't too impressed with the whole event.

Braden Snuggle Sessions!

I just have to share two pictures of us snuggling with our son.  There will be many more of these days I'm sure and Braden is such a good snuggler!

My cat Bailey is learning that he has got demoted and is trying to figure out who this new little being is.  Overall Bailey is handling the transition better then I had anticipated.  Todd is making sure to give him extra loves.

Daddy looks good snuggling with his son!  Priceless!

First Visitors to see Braden!

Since Braden was in the NICU for so many hours on his delivery day, many of our family either didn't come visit at the hospital or couldn't hold him when they did come to visit.  On tuesday when we got discharged from the hospital, my sister and kids came to see Braden for the very first time.  It was so cute!  Cameron had drawn Braden a picture that he brought him as a present.  The kids were pretty excited to see and hold him for the first time.

 Cameron, Megan, Braden, Makenna

Cameron and Makenna with their new baby cousin!

Cameron is the expert baby holder now as this is his second baby that he's held as he's informed me!

Makenna is doing pretty good with her first hold too!  I love her big smile!

My parents came over as well.  My mother is so sweet....she brought us a meatloaf dinner so we didn't have to worry about cooking for the first couple of nights.  She's always thinking of others!

Grandma Jacquie getting to help with a feed!

Grandpa Dick is getting to snuggle too!

So precious when they are sleeping!

Braden's hospital he gonna have size 13 like his daddy!

The newly expanded Christen Family of three!  God has truly blessed us.

Bella Baby Professional Hospital Photos

Swedish Hospital has finally stepped it up and actually gotten a professional photography company to take hospital photos.  It seems that most hospitals are doing the same these days.  All I can say is they are a thousand times better then they used to be.  I know most of you have seen them via the e-mail I sent out but here they are again without the copyright name across the picture....

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Grand Entry of Braden Michael!!! (May 1, 2011)

Well I can't believe that Braden Michael is finally here and now almost 3 weeks old!  I obviously don't have as much time to catch up on the blog as I used to but wanted to get some photos on the site as soon as I had time and energy to do so.

We were scheduled for induction at 39 weeks due to my elevated blood pressure which put me on bedrest since 36 weeks and blood pressure medication since 37 weeks.  We had an appointment to go in for cervical ripening medication on saturday April 30th at 6pm with the main part of induction scheduled for sunday when my doctor was on-call.  Amazingly enough my body decided to go into labor itself that saturday.  My mother-in-law arrived from Yakima for the weekend events around noon.  I had been contracting all morning as I had over last several weeks but as the day progressed they started to feel different.  Typically I felt the contractions higher on my belly but these I was feeling lower as well as they were starting to feel uncomfortable.  Todd and I had plans to meet up with my parents and Christy for an early bird dinner before heading into the hospital and then Christy would go back to my parents house to stay for the night.  As we got closer to 4pm I was breathing thru every contraction and they were coming about every 3-5 minutes a part but didn't feel like they were lasting long enough.  I knew that I couldn't sit thru dinner though so my parents ended up going to dinner with Christy without us.  I called the hospital and we headed on in to triage to see what was going on.  My friend and labor nurse, Dayla, assessed me when I got to triage and found me to be 2cm/60%/-1.  I no longer needed cervical ripening but was only in early labor.  I couldn't believe how bad the contractions were feeling and I was only 2cm dilated!!!  Dayla got us settled into a room just before her shift ended and got us set up with Jen as our night shift nurse.

Here is my last pregnancy belly photo in our labor room.  I somehow fell behind on taking my belly shots on the last month.  I posed one last time in between contractions before they got too painful.

I knew that I would definitely want my epidural but wanted to get further along in dilation before getting it.  I walked around in the room and got into the tub.  The pain finally got too much for me and I caved around 10pm.  The epidural was great!  We tried to get some sleep but not sure how much either of us got.  We sent my parents and mother-in-law home since labor was progressing slow.  Braden wasn't tolerating labor great but still had reassuring sections on the monitor.  As labor progressed slowly, internal monitors were placed revealing that I needed help to make my contractions stronger however Braden wasn't going to tolerate the medication.  Finally around 3:30am it was decided that it was time to deliver Braden via c-section.  He was showing signs of distress and had lost his reassuring parts on the fetal monitor.  I can't say I was too surprised but was definitely bummed.  I knew I was in good hands though and that it was the right decision since I was only 5cm dilated and no where near delivery.

We posed for one last photo before going into the operating room!  Todd looks great all dressed up for the event.

Todd wasn't sure he would watch any of the surgery but I think he is now bummed that he didn't watch more.  This is a picture that he took over the drape when Braden was pulled out of my tummy.  It's definitely weird to realize that is me on the operating table.  

Braden was definitely in distress when they got to him.  They said he was floppy and they had a difficult time getting him out of my uterus.  He needed a little assistance from the nursery staff.  It was music to my ears to hear him cry for the first time!!!!  It's so hard when you know too much information but I think I did a pretty good job staying calm all things considered.

Todd again surprised me when he trimmed up Braden's umbilical cord.  I didn't even know that he did it until I saw the picture later.

Poor Braden looks like he's trying to figure out what the heck just happened!

I'm smiling in between my throwing up episodes.  The surgery made me really nauseated....not fun!

Proud parents!

I thought he would be bigger then this but still pretty good size!

Daddy's doing pretty good with his first hold!

Braden is getting his feed on.  I guess I look pretty good for just having surgery.

Sun coming up from our labor room.

Unfortunately Braden had some issues with low blood sugars, low temp, & increased respiratory rate thus he bought himself a bed in the NICU transitional bed for 6 hours.  It was hard to not be with him but I knew he was getting the one on one care he needed.  I went to go see him on my way to my postpartum room.

He was probably one of the bigger babies in the NICU.

Braden was passed out from the days events!

Daddy with Braden

Grandma Jacquie meeting Braden for first time

Braden & Grandpa Dick

Hard to see your little one next to all of these big monitors & machines but thankfully he didn't need most of them!

Settled in our penthouse postpartum room on the 10th floor.

Up close & personal with Braden....he's got such a cute mug!

View from our postpartum room at night.

Snuggling with my little man

Daylight view from our room

Auntie Cheryl visiting us in hospital....she's waited a long time for this day!

Ready to go home but needed to make one last stop to labor and delivery to say goodbye and show Braden off.  Todd was surprised to see a swarm of women around us.  He said "Is there usually this many people at the desk?"

Braden is at home in his pack and play for first time.  It was such a strange feeling to bring Braden home and leave the hospital.  One journey ends and another begins..........