Saturday, November 6, 2010

Second OB Appointment!

Well Todd and I had our second OB appointment this last tuesday the 2nd of November.  We were 13 weeks and 2 days along in our pregnancy at our appointment.  Wow how the time flies by! Our baby this week is supposed to be the size of a medium shrimp, 3 inches long, and weighing almost an ounce.  Next week it will be the size of a lemon, 3.5 inches long, and weighing 1.5 ounces.  Amazing!!!  This appointment was less intense and really could have been done in 15 minutes.  Much different then the 2 hour first appointment.  I did my "routine" as they call it after checking in with the front desk....weigh myself, pee in a cup, & dip my urine for to see if their is protein or sugar in it!  Exciting I know!!!  Then we wait back in waiting room to be called back to an exam room.  Then it is a time for us to ask more questions if we have any, discuss when the next appointment is, as well as listen to the babies heart beat with a doppler machine.  That of course is my favorite part especially since last time we only saw the heart beating but didn't get to hear it.  I think Todd forgot that this would be happening because as soon as we heard the heartbeat for the first time he quickly got up from his chair and came over to the exam table!  I had to remind him that the fast rate was a good thing (babies run between 120-160 beats).  Our baby was at 155! Thankfully it was easy for Dr. Smith to find the heartbeat which can always be a little nerve racking since it's not always so easy at this gestational age.

Yesterday at work I had a co-worker, Lisa, use one of our triage dopplers to listen to the heartbeat again so that I could record it to share with all of you.  I guess it is just one of the many perks I get from working as a nurse in labor and delivery.  I now can hear my baby's strong heartbeat whenever I want!  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!


  1. Sounds good. How exciting. It is great how much you journal. You can use all that later in your scrapbooks. Because you are going to have so much time on your hands to scrapbook.

  2. Oh!!! That's the BEST sound for an expectant mommy! Way to go!
