Saturday, April 16, 2011


Well as many of you know, I am officially on partial bedrest.  It all started after last weekend with my busy weekend of baby showers.  My feet, ankles, and lower legs hit their all time high of swelling.  I checked my blood pressure at Bartell Drug's which to my surprise was definitely elevated!  After rechecking it in about 2hrs it was still elevated so it was time to call the doctor on call to see what my next steps were.  I wasn't surprised when she said to come on into the hospital to get checked out.  Labs were drawn, Braden was put on the monitor, and several blood pressures where taken.  I left with orders to be on complete bedrest with follow-up appoint and ultrasound for two days later.  The end result is that things are stable but I definitely have what we call "Gestational Hypertension".  Braden has an estimated fetal weight of 6 pounds 9 ounces as of last wednesday which is in the 59th percentile for growth so pretty much average.  Everything else looked great on the ultrasound and my lab work has been normal so no pre-eclampsia as of now.  They continue to watch me closely as well as Braden and have only placed me on partial bedrest (50% of normal activity level which is still hard to do for me but much better the complete bedrest).  I was seen in triage today and have two appointments scheduled for next week (tuesday and thursday).  My doctor did discuss my situation with the perinatologist (high risk doctor) to figure out our plans from here.  They decided to start me on some medication to lower my blood pressure (labetolol), keep me on partial bedrest, continue with close follow up, induce me at 39wks at latest but not hesitate to induce after 38wks if necessary.  So I guess that means I will definitely be a mommy by mother's day!  Essentially Braden will enter into this world in 1-2wks.  Crazy!  It's definitely getting more real.   I guess I am as ready as I will ever be and I/We are just so excited to meet this little guy.  I just hope he cooperates with the plans and decides to engage in my pelvis and go into labor without induction.  My cervix was definitely not doing anything when my doctor checked last thursday.  Hope and pray for some change in that department this week!

Here is a picture that Kelley took of me today while we were in triage for 5 hours!  I look like I just woke up from a nap!

This is about as excited as Braden gets on the monitor!  Maybe he'll be a mellow child but not sure who he gets that from certainly not me!  Hahaha!!!

Okay so I am not as good at the one armed photos as my friend Pauletta is but you have to admit it is a hard angle to get a good shot when your laying down.  I can't even believe I am posting it but it was pretty funny and gave us both a pretty good laugh which I needed!


  1. Aw, you look great even hooked up to the monitors! I pray that Braden gets to choose when he comes, too. I'm not one that likes it when the Dr. chooses...unless health is a factor. :o( Good luck!

  2. You look like you are having a good time at least! Next time I'm in town I'll give you a lesson on the self-portrait shots :-) Love you, and I am praying for you, Todd and Braden.
