Saturday, December 3, 2011

Halloween 2011

I have continued to offer and introduce Braden to different solid foods but he is still not interested.  Oh well just as the pediatrician says, when he's ready he'll be ready.  I figure I will eventually find a food that he likes.  The picture of the food on the face is a classic though.  These pictures were actually taken on october 22nd.

Braden's first halloween!!!!  We invited my parents over for dinner so they could see Braden in his Tigger outfit and then make their rounds over to the Lovinus household to see their other grand kids.

Braden sat in his chair with us at the table while we ate our dinner.

Such a cute face!

Our next door neighbor, Cathy, has a grand baby that is a week older then Braden.  She brought him over to show him off.  They didn't know exactly what to think of each other especially Braden when Adrian was crying.

Why is is so hard to get good pictures of kids.  I can't even tell you how many pictures we took of Braden.  He was always looking down or really anywhere but towards the camera!

Braden next to the pumpkin that I carved that day.

He was definitely intrigued by the pumpkin.  He loves to touch and scratch just about anything.  He's my texture boy!

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