Monday, December 6, 2010

18 weeks Pregnant- December 5, 2010

I can't believe we are officially 18 weeks.  I have to say that Todd and I caved and we did decide to find out the sex of our baby at our ultrasound appointment.  We will find out in 10 short days!!!!  We just decided it will be way more convenient.  I also jokingly say that I deserve a reward for still dealing with some nausea and vomiting at this point in pregnancy because it is supposed to be done.  I am definitely showing a small baby bump now which surfaced around 17 weeks.  I'm not sure if I look pregnant to those who don't know me yet but that will change soon!  

Mostly I am just feeling fat at this stage but nice to know the baby is growing!  I went to our 3rd OB appointment last week and everything checked out well.  I might have to start taking my belly photos every 2 weeks now well see!  I am pretty sure I felt the baby move first around 17 weeks while I was laying done in bed before falling a sleep.  At first it felt like a bubbling boiling water kind of like a rolling feeling.  Since then I have felt it again but it feels kind of like a twinge or small thump feeling.  It's so hard to tell since the movements are so small.  This week the baby is only 7 ounces in weight and 5 1/2 inches from head to rump in length.  I'm excited to see how the movement will feel as my baby grows inside of me!


  1. Love all the updates. I didn't realize there were so many. I usually check but I guess lately I was just waiting for you to send me an email. I will have to check more frequently. You are so darn cute. Love the belly. Wish I could rub it and make moaning noises. Love you.

  2. Super cute. Pretty soon you'll be so tired you want to puke! I seriously can't figure out how to move my body from the couch to bed! But it's worth it. It's a good thing babies are so cute (:

  3. AACK! Totally ignore my last message. I did the math. Aren't you due in May? Man! So exciting! ISn't it the BEST feeling when you can feel the baby moving around!? Anyone taking any bets on what you're having?
