Monday, December 6, 2010

Thanksgiving in Yakima-November 26, 2010

This year we decided to spend Thanksgiving in Yakima with his Dad.  He thinks it's been 3 years since he has so it was time.  Thanksgiving was my holiday to work this year but I was surprised in the morning by a phone call from work giving me the first 4 hours off and turned into the full day off!  Todd and I headed over the pass in the early afternoon.  The top of the pass was gorgeous!  It was snowing hard but soon stopped as we headed down the other side of the mountain.  Yakima had about 6 inches of snow but most of their roads were bare.  We had a great visit with my in-laws and a wonderful Thanksgiving feast.

We stayed at my mother-in-laws house, Christy.  Todd is always a good son doing tasks for her around the yard.  It was no surprise to me that he wanted to shovel the driveway of snow.

There was so much snow on the roof of Christy's house that it was starting to slide off the edge!

We went on a walk throughout the neighborhood on saturday while it was snowing.  It must have warmed up because the snowflakes were much larger in size.  On the way back to the house the sun started to shine through the clouds and the clouds parted but it was still snowing at the same time.  Amazing!  God is great!

I couldn't let the day pass by without taking a picture of mother and son and of course a picture of the happy couple!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Alison! That's so fun! We had a ton of Snow recently, too. It does make for a fun winter. So, we're planning on going to Yakima in May. We have tickets to see Wicked in Boise, ID, and have friends that recently moved to Yakima. SO, we're planning on visiting them and staying at their place. If it works out, we should get together!!! Fun Fun!
